ໂຄງການຊອກຫານັກຂຽນ ຂຽນປື້ມແບບຮຽນ ມະຫາວິທະຍາໄລ, ພາຍໃຕ້ໂຄງການ SHEP

Project Area and Location

The Project aims to expand and improve the higher education system and institutions by upgrading the three public universities: National University of Laos (NUOL) in Dong Dok, Vientiane; Champasak University (CU) in Pakse; and Souphanouvong University (SU) in Luang Prabang.

Impact and Outcome

The expected impact of the Project is improved economic competitiveness and increased employment opportunities for higher education graduates. The Project’s expected outcome is an expanded, improved, and equitable higher education system by 2015.


The Project will deliver four outputs to achieve the outcome: (i) strengthened management, financing, and governance of the higher education system; (ii) enhanced relevance and capacity for quality improvement; (iii) increased equity and access in higher education; and (iv) effective project management and implementation.

Output 1: Strengthened Management, Financing, and Governance of the Higher Education System

The Project will build management, financing, and governance of the higher education system through (i) strengthened management capacity of MOE and public HEIs, (ii) improved higher education financing, and (iii) enhanced governance systems for public and private HEIs.

a. Strengthened Management Capacity of MOE and Public HEIs

The Project will enhance the management capacity of DHE, to be responsible for overall strategic planning and master plan development, and for operations oversight of the higher education system in the Lao PDR. DHE is expected to be reorganized to better perform its mandate and functions, including jurisdiction over private HEIs offering degrees, which will require upgraded planning and management skills and knowledge. The Project will strengthen management capacity of relevant DHE staff by supporting (i) in-country and international training; (ii) degree programs (indicatively four DHE staff in master’s programs and three in doctoral programs); and (iii) DHE participation in international forums, conferences, and associations (including membership fees). The Project will develop a management information system (MIS) comprising financial management, personnel management including faculty and student database, and student admission data; and provide capacity development support to management staff for implementing the MIS to enhance management efficiency throughout the higher education system at DHE and each public HEI. The Project will help DHE prepare annual and periodic reports and newsletters, and in coordination with MOE’s Department of Planning and Cooperation, better manage projects and programs supported by official development assistance.

b. Improved Higher Education Financing

Support will be provided to improve financing of higher education to become more shared, cost-efficient, and sustainable. The Project will help MOE and public universities to

(i) review the budgeting process and mechanism to identify weakness, and improve, for example, its efficiency and relevance by adding a specific budget line of block funding to cover operation and maintenance, and depreciation of facilities and equipment; (ii) restructure the quota student

SHEP working groups

SHEP is divided into three general working groups which follow the three main project components. the purpose of the working groups is to ensure that project products are discussed among a team of experts thereby building into the process a system of checks and balances. The three groups are as follows.

  1. Strengthening planning, finance and governance
  2. Enhanced relevance and capacity for quality improvement
  3. Increased equity and access

WG1 Strengthening planning, finance and governance:

  • This group will work closely with the MOE working group on reorganization of DHE.
  • The WG will also require some inputs from the Quality Assurance Systems Specialists and the Human Resources Development Specialists.

The members of the working group will be the focal person for their respective institutions in regard to the specified component. Members should be aware of the issues related to the component and also be able to identify other resources within their institutions when necessary. All information regarding the activities of the WG should pass through the members to the PIUs and university authorities.

In terms of outputs, the WG will contribute to:

o institutional analysis of DHE and related resource needs analysis (which will feed into the overall training plan for SHEP)

o institutional analysis of ESQAC and related resource needs analysis

o proposals for reform of HE financing related to cost recovery through improved links with industry, alumni associations, etc. (linked to WG3 output)

o status review of MIS in MOE, and proposal for comprehensive HEMIS

o proposals for staffing and responsibilities of the MIS units at each university

WG2 Enhanced relevance and capacity for quality improvement

The members of the working group will be the focal person for their respective institutions in regard to the specified component. Members should be aware of the issues related to the component and also be able to identify other resources within their institutions when necessary. All information regarding the activities of the WG should pass through the members to the PIUs and university authorities.

In terms of outputs, the WG will contribute to:

o multidisciplinary core curriculum

o unbiased student learning materials

o Quality Assurance System Development Plan

o quality assurance framework

o draft credit-based course system

o strategic plan on improving effectiveness of university entrance testing procedures

o skills upgrading modules to prepare students for university entrance testing

o standardized 3 week induction training package for all new academic staff

o teacher performance appraisal package

o customized, centralized timetabling and teaching space utilization software and training

o pilot distance study modules for use on new ICT network

o mentor oversight for faculties extending distance study modules

o etc.

WG3 Increased equity and access

The members of the working group will be the focal person for their respective institutions in regard to the specified component. Members should be aware of the issues related to the component and also be able to identify other resources within their institutions when necessary. All information regarding the activities of the WG should pass through the members to the PIUs and university authorities.

In terms of outputs, the WG will contribute to:

o designs and procurement documents for new campus facilities at CU

o new campus at CU, fully equipped and furnished

o proposals for reform of student intake systems

o proposals for reform of HE financing related to cost recovery through fee levels and scholarships (linked to WG1 output)

o etc.


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